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utility service 公用服務事業。

utility vehicle

This method of granting land has been in use for a long time for the purpose of meeting social needs . it is mainly adopted for land devoted to community use or for public utility purposes . examples include non - profit making community uses such as schools , welfare and charitable organizations , as well as land for essential public utility services like power station 這種批地方式沿用已久,配合社會需要,主要適用于一些社區用途或公用事業用地,例如學校、社會福利及慈善機構等非牟利性質的社區用途土地,以及電力站這類為社會大眾提供必需服務的公用事業用地等。

To cope with the increasing demand for utility services and maintenance work , utility companies often have to excavate the carriageways and footpaths to lay more pipes , cables and ducts , and to carry out repair work . there were about 150 new road openings on each day in 1998 為應付公用設施及維修方面日益增加的需求,公用事業公司須經常挖掘行車道和行人路,以便敷設更多電纜及管道,以及進行修理工程。

The price system of the united states is a complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services , including labor , professional , transportation , and public - utility services 美國的價格系統是復雜的網狀系統,包括經濟生活中一切產品買賣的價格,也包括名目繁多的各種服務,諸如勞動力、專職人員、交通運輸、公共事業等服務的價格。

To cope with the increasing demand for utility services and maintenance work , utility companies often have to excavate the carriageways and footpaths to lay more pipes , cables and ducts , and to carry out repair work 為應付公用設施及維修工程方面日益增加的需求,公用事業公司須經常挖掘行車道和行人路,以便敷設更多喉管、電纜及管道,以及進行修理工程。

To cope with the increasing demand for utility services and maintenance work , utility companies often have to excavate the carriageways and footpaths to lay more pipes , cables and ducts , and to carry out repair work 為應付服務及維修方面日益增加的需求,公用事業公司經常要挖掘行車道和行人路,以便敷設更多電纜和管道并進行修理工程。

Most of the public utility service providers in hong kong offer online services which allow you to close your accounts of the previous address , transfer your accounts or open new accounts for your new address 香港大部分的公用事業機構均提供網上服務,讓你取消以舊地址開設的帳戶、把現有帳戶轉到新地址或以新地址重新開戶。

The watertrax utility service ? is powerful compliance and data management software that consolidates , screens and reports water quality data , saving time and money while improving workflow and due diligence 描述:沃特塔克斯高效服務是一個很強大的數據管理軟件,可以快速準確的報告出水資源的質量。

Besides serving as carriageways for vehicles and pedestrians , roads also accommodate various utility services , such as water and gas mains , sewers and electricity and telephone cables 除了供車輛和行人使用外,本港的道路也敷設了各種公用設施,如水管、煤氣喉管、污水渠、電纜和電話線等。

Hong kong has very limited road space which is serving multiple purposes . at present , there are about 1 , 900 km of roads but more than 60 , 000 km of utility services 香港路面面積有限,又需供作多種用途;現有道路總長度約為1 , 900公里,但公用服務竟達60 , 000公里。

Owing to the congested environment in hong kong , road opening works inevitably affect traffic and buried utility services and cause inconvenience to the public 由于香港環境擠逼,進行掘路工程,不免會影響交通和地底敷設的公用服務設施,對市民造成不便。

“ provision of top - quality utility services to the community to cope with the economic development of the next 30 years “ should be included 宜包括為社會提供高質的公共設施服務,以配合未來30年的經濟發展一項目標。

Effective , environmentally friendly and well managed infrastructure should be provided to accommodate the necessary underground utility services 宜提供有效、環保而管理得宜的基建,以建設所需的地下公用設施。

8 door cabinets are provided with back access panel to access utilities service channel . access panels are removable with simple tools 柜門后背板可用簡單工具方便地拆卸下來以檢修管路系統。

This conventional port bronze ball valve may be used for general purpose or utility service applications 這種普通流道青銅球閥可以用于通用用途或公用設施。

This two - piece full port bronze ball valve is for use in general utility services 這種兩件式、不縮徑、全流道青銅球閥適用于通用用途。

Here is a list of public utility service providers that you may need to inform about your move 你或需通知下列公用事業機構更改地址:

No utility service is present in typical prime power applications 通常在沒有市電供應,發電機組作為首要電源的場合使用。

Informing the public utility service providers 通知公用事業機構